Monday, August 19, 2013

Holy paparazzi

Well folks I am in Las Vegas. Drove here myself with paisley and ivy in a nutso thunderstorm. even hydroplaned which really woke me up. Currently sitting in the hotel room... Haven't slept at a hotel in five years is my guess. 

Kids are in school and littles farmed off to awesome sister in laws. 

I'm at the freaking paparazzi convention! It has been awesome and really impressed. I was not sure how I was going to pull this off but so glad I get to be here. Listening to convention and seeing these amazing people that I love and respect speak feels like I'm drinking the pink paparazzi kool aid. 

2013 has been all about conquering fears for me and doing things I have never done before. Kicking the comfort zone box away and being here also makes the list. 

I love seeing good people do big things. 

Paisley and ivy have had a blast with their cousins and paisley was super ticked she forgot her money so she couldn't play all those games at the casino. She was very excited when she saw them. 

These girls were running wild all over the place, I was sweating keeping track of them while trying to figure out where to go. 


RachelAA said...

This really is so awesome, Brooke, I'm happy for you!

Beth said...

So cool! Have fun. Hope you enjoy a little alone time at the hotel, too :)

Courtney said...

That is way cool, and that is pretty amazing to see misty put together that big event! It looks so impressive! Glad you got to go! That is so fun!

Nancy Jo said...

You look fabulous ! So much fun with the little two in hotel. I am excited to see the new paparazzi jewelry!

Mindy said...

You go girl!!!