Saturday, July 20, 2013

The first 36 to 48 hours of this week I can't remember

Darby did Christie's hair. 

Sunday we chilled outside after church. 

We let Christie buzz Luke's head. Oh wait we had to do that since like cut his own hair... Aren't ten year olds not supposed to do that? 
He tried to fool me with some fancy styling at church. 

Found this note Monday morning which I thought was super sweet but made me feel really guilty. 

Luke let the girls jump in his room... This is a big deal. 

We used our coupons for Rita's that place is good. And we have gotten so much good stuff from the summer reading program! 

We painted ...artistry is a process. 

We went to $1 movies.

We braved the library..that place is growing on me.

We painted nails.. Except Luke.  

So back to Darby's note. On Monday kid wanted to play the bee game that morning so I put aside my morning work and getting ready because of Darby's tender note. Only to have the living room be thrashed but two younger non playing kids... But I was trying to be all chill we are making memories yadda yadda whatever. Bee game took forever no one could win but finally Darby did and then I say ok that was fun now lets get dressed and brush teeth and work on our chores... To the biggest fit of Baylie flopping on the floor. Bad part is I lost my temper too very much at her and it was not cool for a while but then we got ourselves together and tried to restart the day and make some ground rules on fun and work and fits and that mom needs to get ready too... And then I asked Darby about that note saying are you glad we played the bee game this morning and that girl has no memory writing that note. I guess its super old and Jason found it on the floor somewhere and put it on my mirror. Y

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