Sunday, July 14, 2013

I love to see the temple

I'm going there someday. 
To feel the Holy Spirit 
to listen and to pray
For the temple is the house of god
A place of love and beauty
Ill prepare myself while I am young
It is my sacred duty.

I love to see the temple
Ill go inside someday
To covenant with my father 
To promise to obey
For the temple is a holy place
Where we are sealed together
As a child of god I know this truth
A family is forever. 

The primary went to the temple on Saturday and it was such a sweet experience. And wow those sister missionaries are so cute and stylish! Darling! From all over the world. One sister who was with us had been America 3 days from Spain. 

The kids really enjoyed it an we went to jack and the box and diddly Riese (which is up to $1.75 now! Still a deal though) and that was awesome too. 

One neat part was the kids pulling out the Book of Mormon to see what languages they were in and pretending that's where they were going on their mission. 

The  missionaries asked the kids to try and pull apart the bronze statue of the family and couldn't because they were sealed together. Nothing could tear them apart in life or in death and that's is why I'm so glad to be sealed to my family. 

If you haven't been to the Los Angeles temple and visitors center GO! is it really neat! 

Yes this has been happening. Better than biting her nails I hope. 

The five amigos.


Nancy Jo said...

That is so neat you have a temple so close! I love to see all your future missionaries! So cute!

Heather said...

What a neat Primary Activity! I wish we could o that with our kids.