Thursday, July 19, 2012

Feels like a Friday

this is a jacket that was mine as a child
 that was made for me by a woman whom my dad taught English.  

got my nails painted yesterday.  I need to go more.  These hands have seen a lot in their life and have lots of work still to do.  So at least they should have pretty nails.  Worth the $12.
Why don't I do it more?  Oh yes, because Saturdays are packed, so I had to get a sitter, come home to chaos.  But it was still worth it.  I chipped my toes about ten minutes getting home.  thats just life.

this picture is blurry and yes those are large sticks but i love when siblings play even when its large sticks and I just wait until someone crying.  still worth it.  and nobody cried this time.

you are not going to believe this but we could have gone to the beach today and my kids didn't want to (well I didn't ask Darby because she was sleeping).  Not want to go to the beach?!!!  They means we have officially had a good summer I think if I burnt them out of the beach.   Hopefully they recover quickly...or we can swim in a pool sometime instead cause the sand did them in.


RachelAA said...

LOVE your color choice!

Sara Jane said...

Love that little jacket. That is so adorable. I can't believe you only have 3 1/2 weeks before school starts. I think this Summer has gone by fast.

I had forgotten about Bountiful Kitchen, I haven't looked there in forever. Thanks for the reminder.

You can leave the onions out of the pickles...I don't think it would affect the taste at all. Did you see the regular pickles on OBB? Those look good too.

jana said...

that jacket screams Brooke! and summer is wearing me out. I call for lazy days at least once a week. Glad I'm not the only one... and no, haven't touched the laundry yet.

brookeisacrazylady said...

me neither! shoot i need like 3 lazy days!

Beth said...

$12 for a mani AND pedi ??? if this place exists i need to know where.

brookeisacrazylady said...

no just the fingers

Amber said...

I was thinking the same thing as Beth. But your nails and toes do look very good. And Bridgette was right, they matched your shirt this morning perfectly. Way to coordinate for spin class. Hahaha....