Here is a picture of our last time at the ultrasound place. Still get butterflies.
Look at the proud parents of a new daughter! I am going to pick up Luke and Darby from school in a few minutes and have put pink balloons on the car so they will know. We are lucky she is healthy and seriously we are excited. ONE BOY AND FOUR GIRLS! Wow that is a lot of makeup, nail polish, shopping, shoes, bras, and a big slumber party in our house. Luke will enjoy his permanent own room which we will start on before she comes. But I know he will love her when he sees her, plus I told him I already picked out the best boy in heaven, I didn't need another one!
In 2007, the three Evans daughters had three daughters of their own. Now in 2011 we three daughters are having three more daughters, in the same order , the same months apart. Now if that is not meant to be? I'm so excited to share this with them one last time.
I just know this little girl must really want to be in our family to squeeze in at the end. I wonder whose mother she will be some day? We are just lucky to have been so blessed. Can't wait to meet you little one! We love you!
that's a cute little tribute, brooke! i love that it never really gets old having a baby, finding out what you're having, etc. it's almost always as good as the first time around!
Congrats on a girl! Do you have any names picked out yet?
AHHHHH!!!!!! I love this post. So great Brooke. I love that after 5 ultrasounds I can still hear excitement in your voice. Just goes to show that every single baby is so exciting and such a blessing. I love the day you find out what you're having!! I had huge butterflies with Audrey especially. It just makes everything seem even more real when you can start call her "she". Now on to pick a name! Congrats to you guys. And I love what you told Luke about picking out the best boy.
congratulations to you and your darling family!
Cutest picture ever of you two!! Maybe these little girls coming to us had it all planned out beforehand! Congrats!!
congrats!! so fun to be pregnant at the same time as your sisters, even if your not in the same city.!!
So fun! Congrats. That is so exciting. Those cousins must already have some special bond!
Congrats Brooke! Your comment to Luke is awesome and I love the balloons on the van idea.
brooke, i seriously got a little teary eyed reading this. i just love my sisters so much i think girls are awesome. AND to have a big brother to look out for all of them. awesome.
Love the picture of the two of you. So cute. It is exciting going to that appointment. A little sad I wont be doing it a 5th time. Congrats again!
I love the not so coincidence of the Evan's girls. FUN! Congrats - and here's to saving NOW for all those weddings.
And I totally thought it was a BOY!!!! You had a good attitude from the very start and you still do. You so knew you were having a girl. I'm so excited for you guys! This little girl is so going to have a blast in your house hold!!!
Lots and lots of estrogen flying around that place! I Love it!
as you know I grew up with 3 younger sisters (yay darby) and all I ever wished for a was an older brother to beat up (or threaten to) those people that done me you have the perfect combo. I love you fam. and I can't imagine what kevin will say now because he already says that there is one boy there and a thousand girls....(his perceptions are a little off in the number category, lol)Yay!!!! and Congrats!!
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