Sometimes I don't know where they get stuff from, but putting both legs in one pant leg last nite was very entertaining for a good 40 minutes. Darby invented it. The girls sleep with pants under their nightgowns lately so they are warmer...why don't they just where the regular top that goes with it is another oddity I don't understand. Luke has a plastic play donut in his mouth...weird.
Paisley is saying, "Happy Birthday Brandon" Even though it sounds like "EEEE"
Baylie modeling the tutu her grandma made her and also the tatoos on her feet.
The kids sang Uncle Brandon happy birthday. This is actually the second take since the first one they said butt in the end and I didn't like that.
Happy Birthday to my eligible bachelor medical student brother. We love you. Thanks for being such a great uncle (seriously for Christmas he just sent them all hand written individual letters telling them how awesome they were, presents and money...they are spoiled). I'm so glad they feel you are apart of their life even though we are far apart. Happy Birthday. Ask someone at the hospital to give you some spankings, I'm sure it will go over well.
That is the best Happy Birthday song ever. Whose idea to jump? So cute!
Thanks for the plug xoxo
That was really a funny song, and I didn't notice until the second time I saw it that the kids had both their legs in one pajama leg - too funny! I was amazed the Paisley didn't jump in and didn't mind having Darby jump with her. Brandon loved it!
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