Never would I have ever guessed that we would be able to sled in our backyard. Seriously we are shocked and what a fun surprise. Mental note to keep our snow stuff handy cause we didn't locate it because we didn't know how long the snow would last, but the kids were wet and freezing! It started snowing when we were at church and when we left the building, kids were already throwing snow balls at each other (and Jason). I was just mystified and Luke thinks that mother nature finally heard his pleas. It was awesome.
I let them all save a snowball in the freezer.
Darby and her mini snow man.
Jason (and Luke) snow man creation.
mismatched gloves and wet pants could not stop the fun.
This was the first picture outside right after church. Too bad we lost the light shortly after, but still was a great surprise.
Listen for Darby say, "Hot chocolate, I need you." Thats the best part.
Jason and Luke sledding down the hill.
Those are GREAT pictures! They all look so cold - give extra vitamin C. Too funny about Darby saying need hot chocolate. Love the snowman and sledding. What a fun snow day in LA!
Fun! The very few times we got snow in Bama were the best childhood memories ever! Maybe that's why I don't hate the snow here.
I guess you don't need to come here now. You got your snow fix. So fun!
soo cool!!!!!!
That is just unbelievable!! I would not have believed it if I didn't see it! That is a huge snowman! So cool!
that is aaawwweeeesssoooommmmeeee we thought about you guys yesterday, I told B, I bet you guys got snow. that is so darn fun, did you get a snow day today too? I know the cookes are out of school today. That really is an awesome New year's gift...
That is so crazy! You got TONS of snow. That is awesome! Looks like a lot of fun. That saved you a 10 hour trip to Utah--the snow came to you!
Looks cold
Wasn't that a trip!!!! My blog would look and sound just like yours! We couldn't find any winter things and didn't want to waste precious time finding it all at the same time, but it was soooo cold. Megan came in crying with 'stinging' hands. Sooooo fun! Our kids were praying for it, too. A little love from heaven.
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