Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Possibly the funniest thing I've heard from a teacher

Today after school I got this email from Darby's teacher. Here is part of it.

"Also, I wanted to let you know that she gave me a gift this morning. I asked her if you knew, and she said yes, but I just wanted to check. Sometimes I get stuff that they borrowed from mom or dad, so just checking. She had it with wrapping paper in her pink pencil box. Inside was a necklace. It is brownish color/crystal and drops down into three tiers. If this is yours, I'll make sure to return it. If it is a gift, thank you."

That sneaky girl. One of my favorite necklaces actually (granted it only cost $6). I asked her when she wrapped it and she said when I was at the store.

Good thing today also we got a note home saying Darby is getting an award on Friday. Well good thing girl they came on the same day so you aren't quite so busted. But still busted.


Unhappy Customer said...

What a sneaky little girl, maybe the necklace earned her the award on Friday.....

Lindsey said...

That is soo funny!! She must really like her teacher! I want to hear Luke sing his songs. Lets do some skype!

Courtney said...

That is hilarious! I love that she even wrapped it. That is really cute...minus the taking without asking thing. :)

the happy thomas family said...

how funny!

the happy thomas family said...

though i must say: kudos to the teacher for checking with you. most teachers would probably have just accepted the gift and not thought any more about. still sneaky, though ... :)

Amber said...

That is too too funny!

Laura said...

that is pretty dang funny. so i am dying to know, did you ask for it back?

brookeisacrazylady said...

yes I'm getting it back!