Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Weird Old Day

This was just a weird old day.

Jason and I just finished typing an very thought out email to the principal of Luke's school requesting a teacher change. Then we will be at school early in the office to request it again. Now Jason is gone to basketball til midnite.

What is really weird is that tomorrow sure doesn't feel like the first day of school.

We didn't have some awesome dinner (we had chicken nuggets and my kids refused to eat the salad, I swear it was yummy, they know nothing).

My kids went to bed late, already starting off on the wrong foot.

We didn't cozy up and read books like the Kissing Hand and tell stories what its going to be like... they finished the rest of Wipeout instead as I passed out grapes and pieces of bread.

Poor Darby, way to roll with the punches, what a strange way to start kindergarten.

Oh yeah, and I was at the church tonite working out the visiting teaching lists. My kids ran around wild outside while I typed on a computer inside with a baby with a poopy diaper who was digging everything out of my purse...

Can't remember the last time I worked out... not good.

Today I decided carbs and sugar don't love me, and I want to look as good as my mom so I've banned them. So not like me. At least lately. See how odd?

We went to Jason at lunch.

Visited the park in the middle of Hollywood, saw two missionaries walking around there.

Visited the Verizon store another dreadful time. I hemmed and hawed about the cell phone purchase I desperately need to make so I can actually contact and be contacted. Even at one point drove to Walmart to buy a cell phone, sat in my car in the parking lot and then drove away which confused the heck out of my kids.

Should it be the indestructible, looks like a walkie-talkie phone or the cheap phone? Even the cheap one will be an upgrade. I hate you stupid awesome smart phones for tempting my decisions and making all other phones look lame.

Drank lots of Crystal Light.

Saw my house fade from clean to messy all in a day of my mom leaving. How sad. Don't worry mom, its not all messy. Just messier.

Lost Baylie's blanket for most the day, she cried and we hunted for it most of the day, finally found it at the end of the day under her bed.

Was in and out of the car too much. We are listened to Weezer, Fiddler on the Roof, and Christian songs, amusing mix of music.

Naps were taken only in the car today.

After 5 p.m., I was fuming when I found out Luke was assigned a split class for the 2nd year in a row. One year, fine. Two years, no way and just watch me what I'll do. I really don't want him to be a class with the majority of kids being a grade older no matter how well he can independently work. Sheesh, you think I went to all those PTA meetings for nothing?

I've bought blue paint for my front door. Bright blue paint. Now I just have to be brave and do it. Get an idea HERE

And the funny thing I can't get out of my head is what the kids said to me a week ago.

Darby, "Mom, your feet are dirty,"

Luke, "And hard."

Darby, "And cracking."

Luke, "And dirty."

Why, well thanks kids. That sure felt good. Tell it how it is.

Guess who doesn't have time for silly things like pedicures cause she's is the bottom of her own list?

Here's to rising up a few notches when school starts. And having softer feet.

May my children have a good first day, despite this strange precursor. I better pray.


Beth said...

Wow. I can't believe it's the first day of school for you guys either! That is crazy. I think the first day needs to be after Labor Day. It just feels wrong to be in the middle of August.

And good luck with the school. Fight, fight, fight. Seems lately like I've heard a few friends with school aged kids having to fight with their school district. That's rough, but good for you!!!

And yes - get yourself to the top of that list. A pedicure is needed for sure!

christy said...

yeah some days you just feel like you were supposed to just stay in bed and hide. lol when my day starts off with a series of unfortunate events i usually give up any notions of being productive and start fresh the next day. i only had a split class once and i liked it ok. it was 3rd/4th. i was in 3rd and ollie hutchisen was my teacher at school and in primary. they don't do that much here that i know of but they do have a lot of part time teachers. this is the second time tristan has had two teachers. they work two days a week and alternate fridays. i have mixed feelings about it. we start next week. we'll see how it goes but last time he definitely preferred one teacher over the other and so the days the less liked teacher was there were not as good.

Heather said...

The same year Christy was in a 3rd/4th split class, I was in a 4th/5th split class. I was in the 5th grade. I don't really remeber much about it except that the 5th graders faced the front of the room, and the 4th graders faced the side. We changed from county schools to city schools that year, so it was an all around adjustment for me. Good luck getting him moved.

jana said...

love you Brooke! There is always a low after a high. Happened to me after our anniversary trip last weekend - you feel like you should be energized and ready to deal and everything 'seems' to go wrong. Hopefully today is better.

Jenn said...

they put addison in a split two years in a row and I made them change it! Hope it works out for you!!! Not cool. Now Westley is in one this year and I"M NOT HAPPY!
It doesn't feel like school should be starting...

Sara Jane said...

I hope you got the class changed. That is so frustrating. Luke needs a normal classroom experience.

It would be so nice if things got off to a better start. Maybe the nice dinner and calmness would have been more for you. The kids probably don't really care.

Steve and Connie said...

Fight it until it gets changed to what you are happy with. My mom had to do that for almost all of her children including once they wouldn't put my sister in the advanced class because she didn't know the difference between beer and wine! She was 5. My mom won but not by being nice and calm. You can do it. I dont look forward to this part of parenting...

Christine said...

have i told you i love reading your blog? you make me laugh and i love the way you look at things even when everything doesn't go good. You are real and it is refreshing. go girl:)