Monday, January 25, 2010

Growing Broccoli

Can you see my broccoli? What about the lettuce? Or the rosemary and the thyme is hidden in there too. These are pre-rain pictures. The purple is ornamental cabbage. Since I'm realizing my hopes of having grass and some sort of order to the backyard are far far away, I have to utilize what I have...which is why broccoli grows by the walkway to the front door. Too bad we don't even really eat broccoli, but we will. On we will. Plus anything is good with butter and salt right? or in broccoli and cheese soup in bread bowls. Or....thats all I can think broccoli is good for right now. ...or for poisoning your family with flatulence, but wait, someone already takes care of that.

My window, after a trip to Costco. With my Hawaii fund on the top shelf.


Kira =] said...

Our new favorite way to eat broccoli. Found at Food Network.

Lindsey said...

I LOVE your hawaii fund bank!! Don't forget broccoli and ranch! Nice garden! That is awesome! Way to go!

the happy thomas family said...

i'm going to try broccoli ... my tomatoes and peppers were a rip-roaring success over the summer (surprises all around) ... why not try broccoli?

i have that same 'home: the perfect nest' thingy with bird on top. great minds think alike, no?