Thursday, December 6, 2007

My Girls and I

Did I mention that Baylie doesn't like the swing much? I'd say pure terrified of it. Her little buddy Porter is on the other side there.

Here is a recap of a slightly strange week with my girls. While Luke is at school til 11 a.m., we girls hang out.

I went to a meeting at Luke's school that I thought was a class meeting, but it was a school meeting and only 5 other people were there so I was stuck. I would not have dragged the girls there...I looked hilarious with one on each knee...definitely not the norm here. But they were great. Not a peep out of them while the assistant principal talked about safety measures in case of disasters or threats...are you snoozing yet? So here is D's great reward. She made these candy necklaces and got to watch little mermaid.

We paint nails at our house. Mostly red and pink. And occassionally brown. The brighter the better. It works as great bribes as well.

And don't forget the toes! Do you remember when your feet were that cute?

Here are the hostages from when Darby ripped to shreds the below book while she was supposed to be napping. That book has been in the family a while...4 years now, may it RIP. Very sad. We love our books here.

Gotta get a shot of B in there. Snotty nose and all.

less enthusiastic about the santa hat. we can't always be christmasy


Lindsey said...

Love the nails. She is so pretty. So funny the one of Darby with the santa hat. Baylie looks so old and pretty. She is growin quick.

Amber said...

Cute picture of B in the Santa hat.

Heather said...

I too have discovered the bribery properties of nail painting. When I keep my niece, she constantly bugs me to paint her nails. She will ask me every 5 minutes until I do it. One day I told her I would paint them if she went and got my mail from the mailbox. I never thought she'd do it. She's scared to death of dogs, and there are usually a couple roaming my neighborhood. Well, she wanted her nails painted so bad that she did it. After looking out the glass door and seeing no dogs, she walked all the way across my front yard by herself and got my mail.

agirlnamedgay said...

ok let me start by saying my porter p has some of the biggest blue eyes i had ever seen. now let me say that i think baylie has him beat. her eyes are so big and attracting, like you can't help but being pulled into them. beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I am still laughing about the school meeting. In case of home! Oh, nails the best bribery in the world! You should get the nail stamping set...Kennadi loves it.