Friday, May 25, 2007

Darby Birthday Celebration

Darby smiling with her cake, its pink inside. Check out her new birthday shirt from the Finnigans. Darby wasn't feeling well today so we stayed close to home. All she wanted was to see her cousins Dallas and Brenna. Darby is officially two now! Hoorah

Darby, Dallas and Luke laying on the grass and listening to aunt Lindsey tell them a story.

Moon sand...have you played with it? Its wierd, like playdough and sand combined.

Extremely loud toy from Nana that the kids love, Darby and Luke have been playing it all day!

Now Darby can be a baseball player like her brother. Why do little girls love princess stuff so much?

So cute Aunt Lindsey holding Baylie. Fresh basil sticking out of her pocket that me and the kids grew...our first actual growth of anything

Darby new toy, the both have underwear on don't worry, its the end of the day tradition, taking off all the clothes. Great Birthday Darby!


Claire Thompson said...

Cake looks yum, I want some!!!

Amber said...

Too cute. I love it. Happy Birthday Darby. What a big girl. And I have NO idea why little girls love princesses so much. I think it's hardwired cuz I didn't teach Ashlyn to like them. She just does.

Darek and Amberli said...

she and luke are such buds, glad she's got an older bro to fend off all the boys when she's older, she's gonna need it!

Carl said...

DaRbY -
You are so cute! I want to squeeze you. Come visit me and Court in Alabama and we'll let you play with Mabel as long you want.