Thursday, April 11, 2013

This life we have been given

Last nite I went to dinner with my super cute visiting teacher who dresses impeccably even with her cane. There was four of us total, her and the three of us she visit teaches. Delightful nite. Good food and i talked too much, big surprise there, its a disease.

Today ivy bit a little boy twice in the fifteen minutes he was at our house. She also dumped out two cups of flour on the floor before 7 am and sloshed around in the toilet at least three times. Oh yes and got into my makeup drawer and one time was holding a knife... (Saved by Christie!!) holycrap what happened? We have entered a new phase. And can I just say how awesome it is being in the final phase and having a little wisdom this time. Perspective is a beautiful thing. Shoot! gotta watch her like a hawk! Mostly I feel about biting is prevention is key , punishment doesnt do squat . But requires some serious ninja mom skillz to catch her before she does it or maybe just not letting her around little kids til she grows out of it....

Read a really cute book with strange cover. About an awesome, resourceful mother. Super quick and easy. It's the book club book.

Been trying to fight off some down days lately by staying busy. Today that meant a play date. Girls wanted to do makeup and nail polish and then dress up and do a show... Ya know typical girl stuff... And crazy messy.

My latest paparazzi package came today and I love all the earrings!!! My next party is Thursday the 18th if you want to come or just come over anytime to shop .


Brandon Walter Evans said...

cute p and darby pic. ivy cute. lotta makeup

Nancy Jo said...

Awesome makeup pics! Love the everyday life - Darby paying the piano doing the splits, reading on Baylie's head, Ivy's cute little shape - all priceless! Love them all.

RachelAA said...

hehe some precious pictures there! May I borrow BC book?? Please??

Courtney said...

Seriously some great pics. I think EmmaJane wouldn't know what to do with makeup--she's never touched it. Your girls are pros with it! And, can I just say that is an amazing pic of Darby playing the piano!! Seriously, hilarious! Miss you guys!