Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Shhh...don't tell

the kids stayed home from school so I could get them to clean their rooms. 
I decided it about 15 minutes before they were going to leave when the morning was slipping through my fingers from yet another fit from a certain middle blonde child and I was done.
 Looking at the mess from room to room, I was like this needs to be fixed.  I just couldn't send her off with how we were acting towards it other.  I was mad at myself for losing my temper really.  And with homework and stuff after school, just can't seem to catch up sometimes.  

Plus Darby and Baylie had colds so a rest day never hurts.

But Luke...he had a clean room and no cold.  so what to do?  Well that smart boy volunteered to clean Paisley and Ivy's room and I said SOLD!  Jason said, "Any time he wants to help his sisters do something we should let him' and I agree.  So please forgive me for telling an exaggeration of their health to the school.  I have many more sins to worry about that the white lie of today. 

I found a pile of candy that Nana had sent for a birthday that I had hid away and forgot to give them.  So, they couldn't come out til their rooms were clean and then they could have candy and watch a movie.  That worked. 

The rules:  no fighting or else I'd take them to school.

Well, the certain blonde middle child had not yet learned her lesson and kicked Darby and then Darbys new belt got broken from a Luke/Baylie tug of war...

So I said, "ok, get your backpack, your going to school."  INSERT TEARS & BEGGING.

Nope, sorry, you blew it, get in the car. 

So we got in the car with her backpack and drove to the school, but I knew that I had told that school she was sick so couldn't bring her back but she did not know that and that girl made promises and pleadings like she was on death row.  I was just smiling in my head thinking how was I going to pull this negotiation off without not seeming like I didn't fall through but her still fixing herself. 

So I got out of the car and told her to come and she was begging JUST ONE MORE CHANCE!
Well then I said, well ok.  Jesus always gives us another chance so you get one too.  And then I said a prayer and she said a prayer and we called it good and headed back home.

It worked. Nothing the rest of the day.  Had a great old lesson on repentance and she did everything else I asked her like vacuuming the room and unloading the dishwasher without complaint which is just a miracle I tell you cause that girl is stubborn!  Good thing she is so cute and smart and stylish to soften up her mother to those tantrums she has been throwing! 

How much do I value a clean house?  How much do I value us slowing down our life a bit?  Well more than a day of school.  Plus my kids are fine enough that it won't hurt them and although Jason disagrees with ever missing school he was okay with it too (although reluctant at first).

I started to worry around 1 or 2 on now what shall we do, but then I thought, heck why worry so much lets just put on another movie in my room while I straightened up my room and closet and it was fine. 

Made some yummy chip dip and had hamburgers on the grill. Luke finished his space rocket that was due tonite for cubscouts.  Luke and Darby practiced piano and everyone did their homework.  It was great.  Love having my family all together and just as much a taste of homeschool as I would want, but tomorrow I'll send them back. 

Sure was proud of that Luke for cleaning the littles room, I haven't known what to do with it for about two weeks and we sure gained lots of floor space.  and Paisley was sure glad she had her cool sisters to hang out with.  Ironically they played school in their room and outside for half the time.  I chuckled.


Adam and Lisa said...

Love it!!! My mom took me out of school once because my room was dirty, but once it was clean she took me right back--no candy, or movies, or anything. I feel a bit cheated...

Than and Erica said...

I love that you did that! I bet your kids will remember the day mom lost it and we got to stay home from school. And it is nice to slow down.