Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Just found some pictures that I need to include.  Some of my favorites. 

 I liked the other picture of Luke and his new bike better but liked this one cause of what Baylie is wearing on her head!

 Awards at school.  I don't post all the awards my kids get on my blog.  But here are some too.  Baylie got one too but i took them on my iphone.  yay 150 % of their AR goal.  thats accelerated reading for all you non californians. 

Go to Lindsey's blog for more pictures of our adventures this week, but I had this awesome one of Brenna.  You can't really grasp how tall this tree is but not even the trunk is showing.  What a little dare devil.  She is the first to attempt one foot on these two branches and I've had much older kids climb it.  Not bad for a kindergartener!  and what a crazy pose!!!!  

Only one rule for climbing tree.  Don't fall.  

that and if you need help getting up you shouldn't be climbing it.   That is a short moms rule.


Courtney said...

Luke is looking so old!! And I absolutely love the pic of Ivy!! I just want you to package her up, and send her my way!

Sara Jane said...

Atheleticism must just be in the genes! We do AR here too, but I don't think my kids are going to be winning any awards soon for it :).
You are a rock.

Nancy Jo said...

Love all the pictures! Luke looks great with his bike. Adorable of Ivy! Great job Brooke for helping your kids get awards - super mom! Can't believe Lindsey let Brenna up that high in the tree - Crazy!! (but terrific picture!)