Thursday, January 24, 2013


Does your bathroom look like this?  well apparently I need to clean it.

Funny stuff that was said tonite.

I made dinner and brownies.  Dinner was good, brownies tasted weird (maybe my oil?)

Darby says, "Mom, can you believe it, Baylie ate your brownie, she thought they tasted goood!"
she said this is in total utter shock. Luke wouldn't eat them either.  Too bad I made a triple batch and gave some away (sorry folks). 

Darby also got ANOTHER pink note from school today and i'm having a hard time pretending i'm bothered even though I know i should be bothered but really sometimes a girl has a hard time not talking to her neighbor when she is supposed to be quiet.  She also read the book tonite and wow she was quite animated!  i was impressed!  Maybe its because it was Miss Nelson is Missing, one of the best books of all.  

another funny thing.  Every nite i try to sing songs and say prayers with each of the kids.  Well somehow this big old 9 year old boy of mine thinks he is good old for his mom to sing him a song.  He is has felt this way for about a week.  So now its turned into a game where tonite i sat on him and held down his arms so he couldn't stick his fingers in his ears while I say.  He thought it was pretty funny and I had to sing very fast...and then gave him a nice little mermaid....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... just to be funny.  if you know little mermaid, you know what that sounds like and 9 year old boys don't care for it too much.

Then i said, hey you luke, you are my only son.  can you please not be too old yet for me to sing to you.  please?  and he said okay but i don't know if i believe him.  i think i made it too fun to protest :)

Paisley tonite prayed (like she does 90 percent of all the prayers in our house) and she blessed Luke's legos.  We all got a kick out of that.  She also found out she doesn't need to go to speech therapy and her ears checked out great after failing two hearing tests in both ears.  YAHOOOO!  

I still have a good feeling about Jason's job situation even though we have had no luck yet.  Things will come around when they will and I just want to make the most of it while we are in this middle space. 


Heather said...

Love that you sat on Luke and sang to him. Too funny! Those brownies must've been pretty bad for kids to turn them down.

Beth said...

That's great news about Paisleey's ears!! Yay! And hey - my kids ate some of the brownies and were pretty happy about it.

Brandon Walter Evans said...


Sara Jane said...

That's too funny about the brownies--and what about that mirror. Mine looks like that too--do the kids just decide to flick and brush the mirror instead of their teeth?

RachelAA said...

I love all that you're doing with your "middle space". Keep rockin' it, Brooke :)