Friday, March 30, 2012

General Conference Eve

Its the night before general conference when all through the house,

Not a creature was stirring, not even a computer mouse.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of quietly playing danced in their heads....

ok, thats all i got.

So twice a year, we Mormons, I mean, cough cough, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...stay in and watch church on TV, on the computer or where ever else technology will lead us. And its great. Church in sweats. Church while eating popcorn. No lesson to prepare. Church while cozy in our home. Twice a year. When Jason and I just had Luke we would listen to it via our computer and then stress and worry about how to entertain Luke and then I think we took shifts and listened every other talk or something. Ah, nothing like perspective.

But now we just tell the kids to color or play legos or do some other thing I've come up with and hunker down and listen. We got the cutest thing from Paisley's nursery class where they color the speakers tie which tiny crayons. Sure we miss some here or there, but then thats whats so awesome you can just watch it on the internet or read it whenever you want.

I know I'll cry, I know I'll be inspired. I know I'll receive impressions meant only for me and my family, I'm know I'll be recommitted to the Savior. Perfect way to get ready for Easter. I'm sure I'll want to do better and be better and General Conference is like the current hot list of what the Lord wants us to know now...through prophets and apostles. I love hearing from President Monson, he is such an inspired gentle man and the way he talks makes you think he knows the Savior well.

Tonite I had the thought, hmmmm...its General Conference Eve, wonder what all the speakers are doing the nite before to get ready? Well I bet most of them have said their prayers and are trying to get a good night sleep. Or maybe they are fasting? Probably the first time speakers are a bit nervous? Who knows.

So I prayed for them too. That they will be touched by the spirit to know what to say, to deliver their message they have prepared and that I'll be ready to listen.

We got a new bishop in a ward, and wouldn't ya know its my old neighbor. Who has helped bless my children so many times with Jason when they were sick. Too many to count. Even me too I think. And ya know living by someone you get a birds eye view, and nothing to report but good things about him. He is even younger than Jason I think. But I know He will do a great job, even though its a sacrifice to their family (he works even farther away than Jason!). The cool thing is their are so many people in our little ward that could have done the job, many worthy men to fill the shoes, but the Lord knew who needed to do it right now. Good luck Bishop Livingston!

And on other news, Jason is at a Clippers game, I let the kids stay up late (cause I was lazy), the house is a bit of a tornado, we had pizza for dinner, but I plan on being edified tomorrow and the next day from 9 to 11 and then 1- 3 so hopefully I can be patient and creative enough with my children to let that happen.

Oh yes, and Darby got an award today, we are so proud of her. the girls were bonkers at the assembly (HI DARBY! LOOK ITS DARBY!) and it was really cute to see Luke hold Ivy and Paisley and show them off to his friends. Plus Baylie was checking out the digs at the school she will go to next year. And then Darby, went and got a fever after school and pulled a tooth and then lost it a few hours later in the sink. Many tears were shed so hope ole' dad can figure out that one. Never a dull moment!

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