My sister is in labor right now. In Hawaii. I'm so sad to miss it since I was able to see her last two daughters born. The only babies I've ever seen born besides my own (but really I'm not watching). It is so special. I'm glad my mom can be there (who has also seen all her grandbabies born, missing Brenna by a few hours). Side note Lindsey and I are very different having babies. She says to me, "You can stay if you don't say one word." With a look that lets you know that she might kill you for one word. So you just stand far away and pretend you are invisible. So I'm kinda sad today to miss the big (silent) event. Lindsey checks out all my monitors and puts extra makeup on me, I would never dare put makeup on her ;) Hawaii is very far away today. But can't wait to see pictures and Jason has PROMISED me he will setup Skype.
I, on the other hand, like lots of cheering and support. Big surprise there. My mom and sister and Jason have been there for Baylie and really I would probably love if my close friends and family were with me having this little girl. (maybe because my mom had quite an audience when I was born and so its instilled from birth). Having baby is the most special thing I have done and is a time for celebrating. Truly though, I do love a good party. And then usually five minutes after, I start planning the next one (I am alone in this I know). So 2011 is an end of an era for me. My sister Lindsey, also different, says that that she is never going to have another, but then has very promptly about every 22 months so far. She will probably deny this. Really we Evans girls are pretty similar, at least in the having babies department. Just like our mother. Courtney got a good surprise when while hearing about her older sisters very easy deliveries, found out her body is made more for C-sections....or that she has much bigger babies :) But I am jealous you can plan it so well. And at least you have really good stories...hello, tornando.
Four girls, we will both have four girls. I can't believe it.
In fact maybe it would just save me embarrassment if everyone was there, but I am a blubbering fool as soon as he (but mostly she) is born...."He is here, and ....(insert crying)" Not so cute to hear on the answering machine, but very funny later. Having our babies is the closest Jason has come to crying, in that his eyes kind of glisten.
So here's to you Lindsey, we have been praying for you and your little girl all day. Any minute now. I wonder at what point does she say goodbye to Jesus and He tells her what a wonderful mother she is getting. Lucky little girl. Maybe it happened before she was in your tummy, but either way I know He is watching too.
Though not nearly as fun, but a day I will always remember. A very special shout out to my fellow RA sister and old college friend, Erica, who is starting Enbrel (shots) today. You can do it! Women are strong! Two seconds of ouch for relief from pain, easy peasy. I do love Enbrel, it has saved my life. Or given me the life I wanted. Erica, sorry you have to have this yucky stuff, but I'm glad that I finally have a RA buddy. And just think you can see if I have any weird side effects before you do, hey that is a bonus! Maybe we can do a double commercial, that would be a lot of children :)
p. s. Lindsey had her baby. 6 lbs 11 oz. Everyone healthy
Thanks for that! Now I can't seem to stop crying. :) I felt the same way today. Hawaii did feel so far away. I was so excited all day, and I think it makes it so special that we all have/had little baby girls in our bellies. I do love my sisters. It is kind of stinky that we were taught to be so strong and independent. :)We were taught that you can live anywhere, and now we all live everywhere. I am just glad we have email and blogs and digital cameras. It helps fill the void of not being near one another. xoxo
Woohoo, sad I wasn't in the area, I think I am more waiting room w/ kids during sisters baby births person. Cute baby, sent prayers
courtney, i feel the exact same way
woo hoo! congrats lindsay! i think the veil is very thin when they are born and that's special and also when I know if I'm gonna have another. it's like the veil opens for a moment and the next kid in line whispers in your soul, "I'm next!".
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