Baylie sporting one pair of new shoes she got. She loves the sparkle!
My sister Courtney made all the kids flannel pants which they fit perfectly! Darby also got a scooter, pink of course.
There is nothing like happy kids on Christmas morning. This year we opened presents McCoy style, a first for us. Which means we opened stockings first, had a delicious cereal breakfast of Lucky Charms and then opened presents one at a time. The kids were great about it and it helped them realize more who each present was from.
the only request of the girl was big stuffed animal dogs (now Luke and Paisley want them too). So meet Twinkle Toes (Baylie's) and Elizabeth (Darby's). They named them and now sleep and tote them everything (Darby more than Baylie).
Baylie was most excited about her shoes. Seriously. She got two fancy pairs and who knew shoes would be the big hit with her?
Luke negotiated with Santa to give his huge orange gun to Baylie (don't ask) to score the Boba Fete gun. Its large and loud. Santa is a push over.
Darby loved her Tangled doll and Tangled coloring posters she has probably used that the most besides sort of taken over all of Baylie's play dough. You never know what will be the hit.
Paisley loved opening presents. Seriously we didn't think she would be so into it but she was and I think would have appreciated MORE! She opened them all herself and then went around stealing her siblings toys and eating any candy she found on the floor (which was alot of chocolate...and taking bites out of any orange, peel and all).
Luke with his stocking loot. Luke was doing this awesome boogie dance that I got on video for future amusement.
Here is a continued tradition from my family. My sister Courtney made us all our own last year. Its the same felt nativity that we did as kids while reading the Bible story. Thanks Courtney, we love it. and now if only there was more than one Mary (no thats not a Mormon joke :) cause my daughters all want her. And since I could possibly have four of them we will really have to take turns. Thankfully Jesus and the star are pretty compelling as well.
Tonite we cleaned up all the Christmas. I can't believe its over. Its nice to have the house back but it sure looks boring now. Tomorrow is Jason's birthday and we plan to take the kids to Chuck E Cheese and then Jason is going to two movies (one with me). Its set to rain but will not stop the fun. Happy Early Birthday Jason. Glad you are older than me :)
Oh I loved all the pictures and descriptions - it was ALMOST like being there. Opening the stocking first.. I hadn't heard of that, kind of good idea going from small to larger. That was a good idea to eat something first too. The big stuffed animals reminded me of yours. I bet Bailey loved having the bigger gun to go with her cowboy hat. Paisley sounded like she was really fun to watch. It made me miss your family more...
Fun photos thanks
Ashlynn got those little twinkle toe shoes (or whatever their called) too!! She fell in love instantly! And those gigantic stuffed animals would have made it to the trash if they were in my I can't stand stuffed animals. I'm glad your CHristmas was a good one...your kids look super happy!
Looks like a fun Christmas. Lawrence wanted that gun and I didn't think he would care (it was at Costco with the GG light saber. On Christmas he said he didn't get what he wanted--I felt awful, but he perked up. Let me know how the gun sounds are. I thought it would drive me crazy.
I like the ideas of stockings then breakfast.
I love that flannel nativity. I'm going to have to make one.
Merry Christmas to you guys. We open our presents like that, too. Hope to see you soon. Maybe the zoo next week if you guys are still off school.
I am so glad that they liked the pajamas. I was so worried that the sizes would be off. I loved that you used the felt nativity too! I really like that tradition. Fun stuffed animals too. Sure do miss you guys. xoxo
Loved the pictures!! You took great ones!! Everyone looks so happy!
We opened gifts McCoy style too, but we always do, Loooove it. the boys all know who got them what which I think is so cute. Even the watch Adam got Kevin, he thanks him everyday since for it, I love like tons of fun. hey come down tomorrow :D
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