Christmas Eve we decorated sugar cookies and then handed them out to our neighbors. Jason and the kids (not I) cleaned up all the leaves in the front and back yards, which was quite a feat. He also decided to rearrange the girls room and it looks great. We ended up staying in and watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Then I tortured Jason by making him watch Eclipse (the night before we watched New Moon). He loved it, he was like crying about how good it was and then he went out real quick before midnite to buy a Team Edward tshirt. Seriously I've never seen him so moved.
I might have given Paisley a bottle of green sprinkles and she might have made a huge mess.
Oh wait, this is from Christmas Eve Eve, going home from the park on the first non raining day.
We will be sad to say goodbye to Christmas music, and Christmas books and candy canes, but we aren't ready quite yet.
Luke made a California snow man.
I made the dough the kids one nite and what a difference when I actually had Jason's help for the frosting. Paisley took her usual position on the table!!!
We had a great Christmas and realize we need to make more traditions. More pictures to come.
D: Seriously, the whole Twilight movies are SO terrible. I was forced to watch it last week too. The acting honestly can not get any worse.
So cute thanks for the blog
Those are soo cute!! LOVE the one with all the kids frosting! And Paisley on the table is priceless!! Looks like a fun day. We missed you!!
Love all your pictures! The cookies looked fabulous! Your kids are darling - miss u all!
I've been thinking about making more traditions as well. Last year we started one and this year ran out of time for it. Yeah, I need a little more practice.
Hey Clark Kent, what'd you do with Jason. His arms look huge in that superman t-shirt. I'm not playing basketball with you anymore.
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