Tuesday, October 19, 2010

All about Baylie

Life is beginning to resume. And with the older two at school, I get to spend more quality time with Baylie. Which she really responds too and acts darling for it. We have enjoyed our time today, especially the quick nap I got in, both of us squished in Darby's bed. Paisley has been super cute too, just didn't get any pictures of her. She might be near my favorite age, just not for church :)

Two of those we grew! Who knew. Next year my goal is to grow them all with plenty to spare, we shall see. Much cooler than flowers in my opinion.

Today we had lightning and thunder. When was the last time we had that? A long time. Us silly Southern Californians get all excited when there is a storm since its so rare. Secretly it makes me nervous, but can't let my kids know, moms have to be brave.

So don't freak about Baylie using a sharp knife, this is not her first time. She has practiced a bunch. She did great. And totally loves it. A cute boy from church came over for the first time today and freaked out when he saw her do this, which she thought was even cooler. He said it was creeping him out. Funny Shane.

Today, Baylie and I made chili. I love chili. Kids usually, not so much. Luke doesn't like beans. Tonite he asked if I could make it with green beans instead....ya, no. But my wonderful Darby had three helpings! I kissed her for it! Tonite they must have been hungry cause they ate it okay.

Guess what, I'm thinking of breaking my no cooking for 2010 a little early. Still haven't decided completely. But just itching to for the holidays. Even busted out a couple cookbooks to peruse. I've really cracked once I start making bread again. We shall see. Only if I feel so inclined. Maybe its cause I've blown my diet and having a hard time getting motivated cause I'm a quitter :) Really all I want is to shove a spoonful of homemade cranberry sauce in my mouth, is that weird? Can you even buy cranberries yet?

Here's my hot dinner tip: if you don't already know this trick, feel free to steal it. I don't really care for those genius women who come up with their own stuff anyway, so boring and original. Idea stealers are much more my crowd ;). Okay, back to the hot tip, am I giving this the most worthless drumroll or what? Haha....Okay...so..... If I want family for my dinner, it usually needs to be prepared during nap time or when kids are at school (or as much as I can get it prepared and chopped) cause dinnertime is usually nuts around here. So that way when everyone is crabby and hungry and tired, I just have to reheat. Thats it. Seriously. Got any for me?

We watched How to Train Your Dragon tonite, the kids just had been great today. Love that movie.


Susannah said...

haha! I love that idea stealers are much more my style!! Me too, Brooke. :) Love your blog and think Baylie looks so much like you!

Lindsey said...

I love that you grew some pumpkins. Way neat! Baylie looks darling! They say save the seeds and use those for next year and you will get even bigger ones. Look at Miss Chef with that knife. That is an impressive sight! Let me know if you break your cooking rule. Have you made homemade cranberry sauce? I don't think I have ever had that.

Beth said...

I have the yummiest homemade cranberry sauce recipe. It's Alicia Silverstone's from her cook book, The Kind Diet. So easy and I'll never eat canned again. :)

Beth said...

ps - was it the pumpkin chili??

Nancy Jo said...

Oh Baylie looks so cute! I am impressed you grew pumpkins. I smiled seeing Baylie with the knife. I just volunteered at the Food Bank and there was a bunch of hummus and no one knew what it was but me : ) Impressed you made chili!

Tanya said...

I got cranberries at costco and made my first batch of homemade cranberry sauce, yummmmm. but you know how I am about the holidays :D

bro said...

Love all photos. Baylie so cute and sweet. Love Darby plus dog photo, so cute, sweet, and tough, luker a stud obviously and paisley cute. I eat cranberry sauce by the can plain. I hated beans tell I went to brasil now think they are essential, and eat then plain with rice for a meal and like it. Maybe you can talk Luke into, them, I figured only courts kids would be picky. Maybe Jason doesn't like beans

bro said...

Baylie scares me with knife too.

Courtney said...

I love the pumpkins. So fun. Baylie looks so old. Man I don't even trust myself with a knife, let alone my three year old. Crazy! :) But, I am impressed that she can do it. Tell her to come over, so she can chop some onions for me!