Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Baylie goes to Preschool

Baylie was sooo excited to start school with Grandma K. While I don't know if she necessarily 'needs' it, Baylie will love going to preschool with her friends two days a week. And it will definitely do her some good. Let us all pray for Grandma K. Just kidding, Baylie will rock preschool.

Grandma K does her preschool out of her house and its right down the street from us. She has transformed that place and is so great with them. Here is the small 3 year old class, minus a shy Ethan who wouldn't pose.

Baylie and her buddy Eliza. We love Eliza and hope they have many years together! Little Elijah is peeking on the side.

So yes that means twice a week, Paisley and I will be partying it up...today we partied at Walmart and then at the house. Thursday I have a date with Mindee to go to the new, large goodwill...just for fun.

Halleluah for school being in session!


Amber said...

They all look so little. I'm sure she had a great day! And yay for you to get a "little" break.

Renee said...

Ugghh! I can't wait!!!! Are you just having so much fun. Oh, that sounds terrible but I need a break. I can't believe Baylie and Micah are in preschool now. Weren't they just little babies?! She is so stinkin' cute! They probably don't need it but its probably good for them. Micah keeps asking me where his friends are.

Hillary said...

Sometimes I think even if they don't 'need' it, I do! ;) Baylie looks darling and so happy to be with her friends.

Beth said...

I can't believe Baylie is old enough to be in preschool. Too fast!!!

brandon said...

so sad baylie is getting school old

Jenn said...

The new goodwill is GREAT! Have fun!

Lindsey said...

Yay for Baylie!! She looks soo happy and grown up!! What a great thing to have a preschool 2days a week right down the street! How fun!! So cute outfit too! What cutie pies in her class!!

Nancy Jo said...

Baylie looks soooo cute! How much fun for you and Paisley! Darling class. Glad she likes it!