Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Shark Boy

Ya I hope ya'll think of this picture when you are watching New Moon this weekend. Nothing like salivating over Shark Boy...the worst movie of all time unless you are my children and then its the best movie of all time. Seriously Shark Boy and Lava Girl is like poking at your eye...unless you are under 7 years old.

Funny beginnings for Jacob though, no?

But New Moon will be WAY better than Twilight since that bagged the old director lady. I don't know if she is actually old, I just meant the last director who is a woman.

If you don't believe me about the Shark Boy thing, go imdb it. (imdb.com, the best website to settle movie bets)


Kira =] said...

I've never seen Shark Boy and probably never will.

I LOVE imdb. I use it all the time to find out who that person is in that film and I totally recognize them and know I've seen them in some obscure (usually 80s) film but can't remember what the name of it was. =]

Jenn said...

He was also on the Mickey Mouse Club! Too funny--now i'll think nothing else when I watched New Moon!

Claire said...

That's funny that you posted this, every time the commercials come on for New Moon- caleb looks at the TV and says- "Shark boy" and then shakes his head at me. Haha.

Nancy Jo said...

Funny picture. He still has the same scowl. I didn't see sharkboy, sounds like I missed a great one : )

embot said...

My kids LOVE that movie. And it looks just like him as a little dude. awesome!

aftonelam said...

that is so funny, I had forgotten about that role he played. Soo excited to see New moon, James and I are going on a date next wed. to see it.

Hannah said...

This makes me giggle because he looks just the same, only smaller!

Kira =] said...

EDIT: however it was playing on Disney on thursday I did get some of it. He looks exactly the same, so cute!!