Sunday, April 22, 2007

Diet Confession

So my friend Claire pointed out that I start all my blog entries with SO...

So here goes another one. So I need to get back into some clothes, but can't work out until 6 weeks after baby...but I could/should stop eating for two don't you think. It only been a few weeks and I know it takes a while, but I am salivating over my cute clothes that I haven't seen for almost a year. So here is my confession, I have been on every diet imaginable and never followed through. I am much better at exercising more and being more liberal with my eating, but me and sugar are not friends. Its not good for my arthritis and I am addicted to sugar. I am cranky without chocolate. I sometimes eat cake for breakfast, in fact if wasn't for some pretty generous genetics I should probably weigh a lot more. And I totally emotional eat. If the day has been rough, I feel so much better after eating a big bowl of ice cream while the kids are napping. So here is a list of various diet/schemes I have tried and not completed during my short 28 years on Earth. Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, South Beach, SugarBusters, Hollywood Liquid 2 day fast, variations of no sugar no white flour, and other crazy schemes that don't have names. I'm sure there are more, but my sleep deprived mind can't come up with them. So what is next? Maybe this time I should try and build some will power or self discipline this time round.


Claire Thompson said...

I'm in, I could use another good fad diet to try, what'll it be? Maybe we could both commit to no sugar as its my weakness to. Swim suit season is on its way, yikes. Lets just try the excercise thing, in 4 weeks we are jogging.

cori said...

i hear ya. just exercise, and then you can eat what you want. that's what we do. ya right.