Thursday, November 30, 2017

my poor poor blog

okay, well I am so sorry instagram has sort of replaced you.  and i'm way overdue printing blog books.   I think I need to do 3 years at this point.  plus i missed the dang 30 percent off coupon windo.  And I kinda only talk about church stuff at this point which might be boring my audience (hi, mom!) to tears.  So do I abandon you?  Or make another valiant rally?  Hmmmm...

But christmas season is upon us.  And light the world campaign starts tomorrow.

whats new?  Well jason wants to get a real tree this year!  wow, can't even remember the last time we did that.  plans are for saturday.

my parents are coming for christmas.  also can't remember the last time they were with us on actual christmas, but i think it might have been us in california 10 years ago???/I don't even know.

will i or won't i send christmas cards this these are questions of the century people.

also, for some reason i have a big aversion to baking and passing out treats i think i'm going the store bought route this year.

soccer is over hip hip hooray.  although i sure love watching them play.

football is over, oh yes, now luke needs to be reintroduced into the family structure since he was gone so much and no that doesn't mean just playing video games all the time (we tried that it was a bust)
currently he also has no texting ability on his phone (dad is the technology whiz and did that).  but dang he is good kid!  even though he is not perfect (ask him why texting is gone) he is a bright and shining light in the world.  same with darby too!  All the kids actually!  But becomes more apparent in the bigger kids.

ps. love high school pickup .  its like a free for all no rules and no honking and everyone just does it and no angry drivers.  dude.  where has this been all my life?  elementary and jr high need to take note!  also, it has not crossed luke's mind to be embarrassed about mom picking him up he is just glad i'm not making him walk!

we get to see hamilton on saturday! i'm super excited.  the story is and founding of our country is really quite moving and the play is really quite brilliant (judging from all the songs we have stuck in our heads).  sure wish the kids could go (and that there was no potty language in it)

lately I just really love my small untidy house.  i'm so dang grateful for it and our awesome crappy cars that won't quit.  I have learned that if I just really bust my butt and clean it for a few days i love it more and so when i see the mess right now I know i can get it better when i want to.  that was not today.

also, have been talking to the girls when i pick them up from school i want to see smiles!  why do they save all their grumpy for me??? I know they weren't like that for their teacher.  so stop scowling at your mom!  life is good for heavens sake.

ps.  rusty is so pretty.  wish it didn't cost a million dollars to groom him but oh well.  beauty doesn't come cheap ;)

and on that note i'm going to go curl my hair before luke's football banquet.

good bye world.  mama's gotta go do herself up!

i had a few quiet moments to myself while i was eating lunch today and watched the more horrible cheesy christmas love movie on netflix and it was painful and awesome!!!!!!

best time of the year!!!!


Brandon Walter Evans said...

Nancy Jo said...

Love hearing about your life! xoxomom