Friday, May 10, 2013

Nitty Gritty

Here is what I have been cooking

Chicken Brocolli, Garlic Alfredo Calzones

Here is the link.  I used my favorite pizza dough recipe (Jenny Foggs) and added rosemary to the dough.  then i did 3 roasted garlic and doubled the sauce for dipping in addition to inside.  we like to dip in my house.  

Also have been trying my hand at homemade brownies.  Desperate times call for desperate measures people.  Happy results.  I think i overmixed though due to my 'helpers' both under age of 4.

Here is the latest one

both ones i made were just from all recipes whatever was like a bazillion stars.

And this is what I watched and just made me cry.


We mothers are doing are best and grateful for any help we can get along the way.
Grateful for the mothers in my life and all the women I look up to and admire.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Haha... yes, I cried watching that too. Stuff like that will always get me now that I'm a mom. Oh and those calzones look delish!!