Friday, April 5, 2013

Ain't no party like a six year old party

Soooo, for Baylie's birthday she ended up seeing The Croods with her dad (loved it).

And her awesome cousins the Pfisters came over and we had a good old shin dig.  played games, at spaghetti (her request), blew bubbles and watched a movie at the end.

My favorite part is the 'cake'.  Can I just say that I love that my kids haven't been requesting cake?  not true, actually both her and luke and said they wanted ice cream cake and I said, not happening, what else? 

Behold, the ice cream sandwich cake!

So as luck would have it, Baylie's great friend Sophie just happened to be in town so we had a late over tonite to watch a Barbie movie (I might detest Barbies, but movies are fine ...although can be extremely painful for the adult watching) after spending the day at the beach with these two families. 
We only wished Eliza wasn't out of town too.  

 plus note that baylie is the oldest of the three, all in kindergarten.  (well she is only 7 days older that Sophie but still).  Shorty like her mommy.  and we let them all ride in the car together and they were just gibber gabbering the whole way to the beach like no time had passed.  didn't even care that the movie was on, just talking.  i looked back and we had 6 girls in the car!  sheesh!  Luke rode with the boys. 

and bless you fruitless mulberry that is too close to my house and uprooting the cement.  you provide lots of entertainment, thank you.  and thanks for not dropping a child yet. 


Nancy Jo said...

LOVE the ice cream cake! That is a great idea! Baylie is so cute. I love that she is holding her blanket in that picture. Wished i were there.

Brandon Walter Evans said...


Lindsey said...

That was really fun! Love all the pictures! Glad Baylie got late-over and the beach sounds fun!

Mommy said...

I hate when our Mulberry bears its fruit - all I do for a month is clean purple bird poop off my deck and my car and the bikes and and and and... NIGHTMARE! ...but super fun to climb!