Friday, December 2, 2011

Shabby Apple Giveaway

Yo so go try and win this dress. I think it would be really cute on my sisters and sister in laws. It looks like a very flattering cut and color. I think I would have to hem it. Go to the bottom of this post for the link. Do it.

Shabby Apple is darling and expensive (cause I'm a cheapskate) but if I actually had someplace to go fancy this is where I would look. I'm sure this isn't the type of post they'd like people to do but whatever, its the truth. I do like when shops like this one can stay in business so if you have more dough than me, do it.

The cutest ever and super talented Lyndsay Johnson has the giveaway on her site and she has amazing taste. Plus I like her children a lot for not knowing them very well...they might be part McCoy.

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