Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Grass!!!!

Okay, so this picture is not of my backyard. Its Baylie and her new cowboy hat ($2 from Super Walmart) She hasn't stopped wearing it. Her lip is getting better from a tragic fall off a planter...Thursday was a rough day for us....both Baylie and Paisley did face plants and I kept having to change my shirt from bloody lips! Very sad. Okay, now back to the grasssssssss!!!!!!!

Are you ready people? Can you contain yourself?

This day has been a year over due!

Jason worked his tail off yesterday!


Please scream and freak out with us!!!!

And the sprinklers work! Pretty amazing actually and Jason and Chris could come up with that. I'm so impressed.

Now to stay off it for 2-3 weeks. In the meantime we will finish the patio area, buy and plants trees and plants, work on the sides of the house (garden area and chicken coop). But come labor day we are hoping for a BBQ!!!! for Paisley's birthday.

Is this an awesome picture of what? At least Nana is smiling. Baylie loves Luke's gun cause it makes sounds, I love it cause it was cheap and can't shoot. Seriously, Luke has been awesome letting her borrow it so much, she just loves it.

Okay, so there were 6 pallets of sod. Those pieces don't look very heavy, but each one is.

Things I have learned about my husband this summer, despite being married to him for over ten years....

Jason is a work horse.

He seriously doesn't stop. (he says its his ability to shut off his brain).

Jason down plays everything. "That wasn't so bad" "I'm just a little sore" after all day in the sun moving dirt and sod.

The differences physically between men vs. women are astonishing. I'd like to think I'm pretty strong, but in the scheme of working on this backyard, I've realized I am a weakling and Jason is an ox. I was so impressed. For being as creative as he is, Jason is still a manly man and can perform some awesome manual labor. There just wasnt' many opportunities for me to see that in all our apartment dwelling over the years.

Please humor me and look at it. I just wanted to pinch myself and then roll around all over it.

The bottom line we wanted was family friendly and I think we did that. There were seriously some times we just didn't know how the heck we were going to get this space in shape or what to do, but it all worked out.

But yesterday, I was pretty stressed. Its not in my nature to sit back and just watch so we got out of the house.

And went to Walmart with the other million people there getting ready for school.

Nana spoiled them.

I'm realizing I'm kind of the anti-Barbie nazi. We are not ready for those over here. If you happen to have given one to my daughter, she really loves you cause they are not coming from me!.

Baylie made herself right at home in the toy aisle.

Okay, back the yard. John Nguyen came to help. And the Elders came. So then it moved lots faster. We were so grateful for the help.

Okay, so I guess these should be at the first.

good bye dirt that gets all tracked in my house! I will not miss you!

that little palm we went back and forth whether or not to dig it up. back and forth. it ended up staying.

Here is what one pallet looks like.

We feel so lucky to be in this house, now come move on our street cause house prices are so low!

We love Grass. It is in. The final design is unique, but we love it. I can't wait to go buy some fruit trees. The kids are going to love it. But the bottom line is, there are going to be some awesome slip and sliding next summer and probably every birthday party between then!

Last nite as I went to bed, still in disbelief, I said a silent prayer asking for the gigantic earth quake that is looming over California's head not to come today and wreck all that work. That would be a bummer.


Maria said...

YAY!! It looks amazing!!! Congrats on all of the hard work that went into your backyard.

Beth said...

That's amazing!! Congrats. Jason should feel so proud of himself. All that work and it totally pays off! Whoo-hoo!

tphillips said...

looks totally awesome! Woohoo!

Steve and Connie said...

how exciting! We sodded our whole yard (front and back) just in time to move and sell the house. I think you had better timing than we did. Enjoy!

Hillary said...

Hooray! I am so excited for you guys. Your backyard doesn't just look great for doing it yourselves - it looks completely amazing and professional and HUGE! Love the swing area too.

Amy Kennedy said...

I'm so excited for y'all! That is one beautiful yard girl-it's like having whole extra room in the house to play!! So big and so GREEN!!

Amber said...

That is AWESOME! It looks so beautiful. I can't wait to come see it in person. I love the mulch around the big tree and can't wait to see your chickens. Have you ever raised any before? I have. They stink and they peck. BAD. So get long gloves. And enjoy all those yummy fresh eggs. I'm jealous. Send some my way if you get too many!

And yes, you will have to make the rainbow cake. Way easy. I just did a regular cake and colored the batter and then poured in layers. The instructions that are linked on Emily's blog are for a "diet" cake. I don't want any of that. But let me know if you try it out. Haha.

Oh and I think I might have given Darby a Barbie doll at some point. Not sure. Oops. I forgot you are anti Barbie's at your house.

christy said...

awesome! putting in a yard is too much work. i was not fond of doing it here. so glad it's done but why can't it just rain enough to keep it nice and green like back east. lol

Susannah said...

Hooray! The grass looks great! I'm glad that your mom is there with you guys...that ALWAYS makes everything that much better! :)

Unhappy Customer said...

You so deserve the beautiful green grass!!!

Rachel said...

what an awesome yard!! i'm seriously so impressed you have that in southern california! congratulations, on the yard and the awesome husband!

Tanya said...

shocked, it looks amazing beyond what I could have ever imagined, really, really really really awesome!!!

Sara Jane said...

I can't believe how awesome your yard is! I'm excited for you guys. It'll be torture staying off it for the next few weeks.

We were at super Wal-Mart yesterday too!

Lindsey said...

It's absolutely BEAUTIFUL Grass!! The tree area looks like LA temple big tree!!
Love the picture of Baylie with her hat & gun!! She looks darling. Glad nobody got too hurt.
That yard looks like the prettiest ever!!

Renee said...

OMG! It looks awesome! I wanna come play. So happy for you that it's finally done. Good job Jason!

Darek and Amberli said...

D: Dude, that's an awesome yard. The slip n' slide hill is perfect for that. Dang I'm impressed. So I guess I will let you come help me w/ my sprinklers/sod after all!

"ability to shut off his mind"...haha that's funny. Amberli has asked me before what I used to think about while I mowed my parents yard for 3 straight hours on the riding mower...Answer? Nothing. I'd just stare at the grass in front of me for 3 hrs. Wouldn't even use my "Sony Discman"...just turn off my brain and work.

Really happy for you guys tho, your lawn looks really really good and I'm more motivated to complete ours sooner rather than later now!

brandon said...

grass looks awesome. am big fan of the fruit trees. crazy p is walking. but i am a big no vote on your chicken coop. just what i have seen from them is that they are mean and dirty. the only good thing about the chicken coop, is if you decide you don't like it you can always eat the chickens and put the coop out on the curb. serious i am voting not for it. also, don't forget it is really hard to over water grass, but not nearly as hard to underwater grass in california. sorry this one is nosy

brandon said...

your house/yard seems amazing

brandon said...

i'm sure jason knows to water it though he prob knows more than me

Amberli said...

WHOA!! the grass looks AWESOME! i've been out of the blogging world for a while since we didn't have internet for a few weeks so i had to come searching to see the grass pics that i keep hearing about. looks so so good! i'm real jealous!! nice work jason (please pronounce "ha-sone")