Monday, December 1, 2008

How was your Turkey?

Mine was okay, but the carver was great.

Grandpa coloring with Darby girl. Grandpa was also really good at sleep monster and playing the quick sand game where he tried to pull the kids off the couch onto the carpet (which was quick sand). You should have seen the terror in their faces when Grandma had their leg. Fortunately they helped save each other. Grandpa got a workout here.

Baylie with her fellow blue-eyed grandma. Grandma was also my Black Friday shopping buddy. Except she missed out on my first 6 a.m. run to the stores.

My kids have the best uncles. Seriously ladies, this guy is going to be the best dad. He must have played animals with Darby for two hours at least. Played football with Luke for another two and wrestled the rest. We love Garlan. Thanks for driving all the way down!

All dressed up and trying to pose. Little miss Sadie was blessed yesterday and uncle Nathan had the the tripod setup for a picture. So we scooted ourselves in for one. Luke is modeling the book of mormon and we are all smiling. I think I win the smile award though, look at that cheese. Yahoo. More pictures of Garlan to come.


Maria said...

Thanksgiving is the best! What a cute family : )

Lindsey said...

I love the family pict! Your turkey was great too! We finished off leftovers last night. Thanks.

G. Sterling McCoy said...

thanks for such a fun week you guys. i'm def glad i made it down. i miss them kids already!

ps. your cookies were a hit brooke. i had my friends try them and they all thought they were amazing