Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dancing with the Stars

Yesterday felt like my birthday.  Had a unexpected event with one of favorite people Emily that we planned the night before.  We went to Dancing with the Stars!

But first I ran some errands.
It rained...which is an event itself in so cal, it makes the news.
tried to figure out what 'cocktail attire was' which is mandatory for attending show, no jeans.
instead went for more an office staff look ...hey ladies, modest is hottest ;)
blinged out on paparazzi
curled my hair and put on lots of makeup (which can always help)

then drove down to Emilys at 1:30 p.m.

This would be the #1 perk of my life right now.
The availability of my schedule.  (and extra poopy diaper changing hands)

We got lost...literally ended up on Compton ave or blvd or st or whatever it was.
reminised about where Lindsey used to live (akeelah and the bee anyone?)
Emily played positive role of thinking we were going to still make it on time and coax our way past security.  She was right we made it by the skin of our teeth (a theme of my life)

Lots of celebrities and sort of celebrities and wish they were celebrities.  Very fun to people watch and spot people.  My favorites being Kelly Pickler, the girl from Disney Step it Up and Aly the gymnast with the parents with funny reactions during olympics.  We sat right by the families so it was cute hearing them be excited.  We also saw Chaz Bono (really looks like a dude!), Florence Henderson and some other former contestants

who the heck is this dude anyone?  but i'm no dummy i'm looking right at the camera ;) 
everyone else is watching the clips but i have my eye on the prize

If I could have talked to anyone it would have been Kelly Pickler and Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy (from blind side which I have read the book) and have their other book in my mini van right now!  Costumes and stage makeup always fun to see, spray tans galore.  it was fun seeing the professional dancers and judges and cute girls from so you think you can dance. 

Dancing with the Stars has awesome stage and seating.  So neat and close.
Neat to watch the crew change the sets so quickly

Yelled and hooted a bunch.

Got on tv, became famous, check off bucket list.  

All and all, a very entertaining show.

and then we ate.  At the grow.  BBQ at farmers market and big diet cokes

Drove home.

THEN i stopped by another favorite persons house cause I was in the area and we chatted it up (verbal diahhrea, its a disease) and it was just the pick me up I didn't know I needed.  Feel all rejuvenated.  Came home and Jason had held down the fort well.

What an unexpected to surprise.  i have been to Tonite Show, Ellen (2x) and Dancing was Stars was a gooooood one!  definitely recommend.  We sat right in front of all the families and it was cute to hear them cheer.  Watching them made me think I should start working out more but then I woke up today, ate a brownie and thought, naaah :)

I can't wait to watch it.  The strangest part is that just as we are stepping out into the sunlight after the show was finished and got back our phones, my mom had already posted shots of us in the crowd on FB.  strange how that live television and different time zones work. 

bottom line, it is always good to be emilys plus 1


Nancy Jo said...

You are so funny! Verbal Diarrhea - never heard of that one but creates a great picture! So glad you had fun and got to go. Makes me feel famous being related : )

Lindsey said...

Seriously, soo cool!!! That has been one of my favorite shows to watch. You are lucky! You looked awesome too!

Beth said...

So cool. I bet you guys had a blast. You two are two of my favorite people to hang out with.

RachelAA said...

hahaha this is so great!!! Wahoo for rejuvenation. Fun fun