Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Kids

The other day after school Baylie comes out (by the way, the weather has been rocking...totally amazing) and says, "Mom a gopher is sticking its head out of a hole!"

Well of course we went to look and it kept doing it (cocky little gopher), but by the time I grabbed my camera and we were real close it it was gone. Those dang gophers. They are ruining our yard, we are under attack and live next to this big empty lot which is probably the world head quarters.

That thing Darby is holding is her ratty pink blanket. Baylie's blanket is on its last days too.

Sinks are just the perfect size for baby baths. And a perfect thing to do on a Friday nite while the other kids are watching shows and Jason is still at work.

Ivy is now 7 1/2 months old. She is a crawling fool and grabs for everything. You have to have karate chop skills to not have her pull the plate off the table. And dude while I'm typing this did you know Paisley is hiding Ivy's pacifier can you believe she still is obsessed with that? Grrr..... what to do?

Ok so here are the pictures. On Jason and our late nite date last nite (say that five times fast). Ivy goes to sleep around 7 so we can go after that. Last nite we went to the 10:20 Mission Impossible movie last nite and got home at 1 p.m. which felt cra-hey-zy. I thought the movie was just 'eh'. But Jason loved it even for the 2nd time. If you are making a movie, have Jason be the first to watch it cause you'll feel real good about yourself cause he is sure to love it. As long as its not a chick flick.

Listening to Pandora on the iPad (do not leave your baby alone in the tub to take pictures by the way).

Oh yes, the whole point of the date story was to say that I was telling Jason about that each time I take pictures with the awesome camera it makes me sad that I don't have them of the other kids (Jason says its cause I'm driven by my best friend guilt) even though technology and our funds were not there earlier...but really its because the memories are fading so fast. Like can I remember doing raspberries on Luke and Darby's neck or smelling their baby feet? Like Darby's specifically? Its only been 6 1/2 years. It makes me so sad they aren't fresh in my mind like Ivy is now. Maybe I'm thinking this because Ivy looks so much like her.. Either way, I'm so glad I have this blog even though I know its just for me to remember it all.

I've been re-reading this book (I don't know if I actually finished it the first time..but I never read parenting books in order really) and it is just so good. Every mother should own it. I don't agree with everything she says (she is not a toy sword/gun mama and doesn't stay at home) but it is still one of the best books ever. And I'm picky. Cheesy title, but keep it in your room or bathroom and read a few pages during the day when you need to regroup. Makes me feel like the few moments I take with each kid during the day to connect are worth it...because all five need to feel like they are the greatest thing in my life...and they are. But its hard cause there are five ya know? Here is the link, its cheap, go get it and then buy it for a friend. HERE Mitten Strings for God: Reflections for Mothers in a Hurry by Katrina Kenison. Katrina, can we please go to lunch sometime? Her and Tamara Fackrell are two women I'd love to meet (I should make a list of women I'd like to meet, but those two are at my very top).

(Tamara Fackrell wrote The Potentially Sane Guide to Raising Young Children, a book I love. Its LDS based but everyone should have it as well)

1 comment:

Nancy Jo said...

LOVE all the bath pictures! Ivy is soooo cute! Love her hair and her squeezable body. Can't believe Darby's blanket is so little. Hate your gophers!