Sponge curlers, sponge curlers! wahoo! This was our first attempt and the girls were like, what? we are supposed to sleep on these? Jason let paisley take hers out before bed, he is soft, I will tell her later than beauty is pain ;)
This was like flashback to the 80s doing curlers with my sisters.
Baylie was the first one up and snuck down to check on the baskets and eggs the Easter Bunny had left.
Here are my favorite quotes of the day.
Baylie "The Easter bunny didn't hide the eggs very good, they are too easy."
Luke "The Easter Bunny knows me really well." Upon receiving an Almond Joy
Yes they know Easter isn't about the Easter bunny, but still makes it fun and I believe in the fun as much as the spiritual part too.
Here is the result of the sponge curlers....soo cute. And yes she didn't like it and fussed and whined about it for at least an hour, but luckily I held/bribed/threatened to take away her Easter basket if she messed it up....good mama I am.
Here was Christie the nite before with the girls. She is their other big sister.
Ivy got a hold of some chocolate eggs and she loooooved them.
I tell my kids that I love Jesus because He gave me them, and that is true. Because if hopefully never, but if something ever were to cut our lives short, I know that because of Him and his atonement and resurrection, I can live with them again, we will always be a family and can live together with Him forever. That is the beauty of Easter and I will be eternally grateful to my Savior, Jesus Christ for what he has done for my family of seven. And guess what? He did it for yours too.
Such cute pics! I love the curlers! They turned out so cute!
That is great that you tried sponge curlers! Such a cute picture of Paisley in them! Love the Yellow and grey dresses too! So cute! I know I wouldn't have survived the week you had at your house! I bet your kids are pretty exhausted too! You are a great mom to do all of that! LOVED all the pictures - you have a darling family!
So cute! Looks like so much fun! Love the one of Paisley
Oh curlers!! That brings back memories :) Very cute and what a great Easter! Can't wait to see your family this summer!
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